Borges Extra virgin olive oil
Product information
Extra virgin olive oil is the juice of the olive (Olea europea L.). It is the only oil, among which are commonly found on the market, extracted from fresh fruit, and without the use of solvents. It is therefore a completely natural product with unique aroma and flavor come directly from the fruit you get.
A virgin olive oil is obtained from fruit juice in perfect maturity, from a healthy olive oil being obtained starting form of a fresh fruit at optimum ripeness and in perfect condition after harvesting and transportation being processed at the mill in a minimum period of time, under criteria and quality control, solely by mechanical or other physical means and which have not undergone any treatment other than washing, decantation, centrifugation and / or filtration. Maximum free acidity content is 0.8% as oleic acid.
Virgin olive oils are classified as extra virgin, virgin and lampant. Only the first two are intended for direct consumption.
Extra virgin olive oil is ideal for salads, sauces or dressings vegetables, so olive juice retains all the aroma and flavor. Furthermore, it is also eaten raw sprinkled on bread or toast or even on table olives with smoked meats, sandwiches, sausages, etc. Very versatile for the preparation of all kinds of sauces. Olive oils are the most stable vegetable fats and do not result toxic reactions when subjected to frying, grilling or baking, in normal conditions, thus contributing to improving the gastronomic qualities of food. Therefore, olive oils, are most suitable for cooking at high temperatures requires the preparation of food skipped, roasted, stewed or fried