Co-location centre MENA registers and publishes Environmental Product Declarations and Climate Declarations for businesses in the Middle East and North Africa region.


In collaboration with The International EPD System, CLC EPD MENA serves as a regional office, dedicated to facilitating the establishment of more EPD licensees within the region. We are committed to supporting companies in registering their EPDs, ensuring transparency and standardization. CLC EPD MENA covers: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Qatar, Jordan, Morocco, Bahrain, and Lebanon.


EPD MENA provides training program to advance your level in the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and the Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) in accordance with ISO standards (ISO 14040, ISO 14044, ISO 14025) and European standards (EN 15804) as you gain expertise in defining LCA study scopes, system boundaries, collecting and classifying data and evaluate the environmental impacts of products throughout their life cycle, and how to prepare Environmental Product Declaration reports using these results.

EPD MENA is a leading provider of comprehensive consultant services specializing in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD). With our expertise and knowledge, we aim to assist your business in understanding and implementing sustainable practices throughout the entire product life cycle.

Contact us!

Director of CLC EPD MENA, Dr. Nasser Ayoub


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