PCR Creation

5 steps to publishing valid PCRs

On this page we briefly describe the five (5) steps for PCR development. For a detailed description, please consult our GPI.

Our GPI shall be the main reference for PCR development; any nonconformity is subject to approval during the PCR review. Besides being ISO 14025 compliant, our construction product PCRs and c-PCRs also comply with the EN 15804 standard, which in essence is a core PCR for the Europe-wide generation of construction sector EPDs.

The development of any PCR shall be done in an internationally accepted manner based on an open, transparent, and participatory stakeholder engagement process by:

  • companies and organisations in co-operation with other parties, such as trade associations and interest organisations,
  • institutions involving LCA/EPD experts in close cooperation with companies or trade associations and interest organisations, or by
  • single companies or organisations in the event they have the necessary in-house competence or choose to engage external LCA/EPD experts.

The procedure described below is compliant with ISO/TS 14027.

Instead of developing a PCR according to below procedure, we may adopt a PCR of another programme operator, given that we have a Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRA) for PCRs with that programme operator. Find our current list of MRAs here. If an MRA exists with another program operator, PCR adoption shall be the first choice before considering PCR development. Please contact the Secretariat if you have found a PCR you want us to adopt.

Step 1. Initiation

The initiation phase is the first step within PCR development and includes elements such as appointing a PCR Moderator and defining the PCR and its scope.

During the initiation phase, a definition of the product category shall be made. The developer shall also consider already existing PCRs to avoid overlap in scope.

A PCR Moderator shall be appointed by the programme operator, who shall develop a time plan and coordinate the PCR development. PCRs should be developed as an open co-operative effort by a PCR Committee, assembled and led by the PCR Moderator. They shall therefore seek cooperation with other parties to take part in the PCR Committee.

Once the decision is taken to start the work developing a PCR document, the PCR shall be announced by the Secretariat together with relevant information, including:

  • preliminary name and scope of the PCR
  • name, organisation, and contact details of the PCR Moderator
  • list of members of the PCR Committee, and
  • preliminary time plan of PCR development

If you are interested in becoming a PCR Moderator and initiating a PCR development, the first step is to submit the PCR Development Checklist to the Secretariat. To download the PCR Development Checklist please click the following button.

Download PCR Checklist

Step 2. Preparation

The preparation phase is the second step within the PCR development, in which the PCR developers choose the appropriate underlying documents and parameters.

The PCR Moderator and PCR Committee shall make sure that the PCR is based on the general application of the LCA methodology of the International EPD® System as described in Annex A of the General Programme Instructions. Also, the PCR shall include further methodological guidance adapted to the specific product category.

The PCR Template shall be used as the starting point for developing the draft PCR. When the PCR Moderator and PCR Committee have finished the draft PCR, for open consultation, the draft shall be submitted to the Secretariat for a quality check.

Download our PCR Template:

Download PCR Template

Step 3. Open consultation

The consultation phase is the third step within the PCR development, where a PCR stakeholder consultation group is constituted and an open consultation is made.

A PCR stakeholder consultation group shall be selected to representatively cover knowledge and skills in different sectors of society that are both nationally and internationally relevant for the PCR under development. The group should have a geographical diversity related to the scope of the PCR.

Next, the consultation group is invited to the open consultation, which is carried out as an internet-based participatory process, open also to stakeholders not in the consultation group. The PCR Moderator shall inform the Secretariat of any planned public meetings or webinars for announcement at www.environdec.com. During the open consultation period, the PCR Moderator shall guide stakeholders in the open consultation process and collect stakeholder comments.

Step 4. Review, approval and publication

During the fourth step, the PCR is reviewed, approved and published.

The PCR Moderator and PCR Committee shall prepare the final draft PCR. The final draft shall take the comments received during the open consultation procedure into due consideration and endeavor to resolve conflicting responses from the open consultation. The final draft PCR shall then be reviewed by the Technical Committee functioning as the PCR review panel, supported by the Secretariat.

When the PCR has been approved, the Secretariat shall prepare the final editorial changes, assign a registration number, and publish it on the website together with associated information.

The PCR Moderator shall inform the PCR Committee and other stakeholders involved in the process about the final outcome of the work and publication of the PCR. The Secretariat should announce the publication at www.environdec.com and via other communication channels.

Step 5. Updating

A PCR is valid for a pre-determined period of time to ensure that it is updated at regular intervals.

Any interested party may comment on a published PCR via e-mail to the PCR Moderator and the Secretariat. Such comments may lead to an update during the period of validity, or should be recorded and used as input when the PCR document is subject for a later update.

An expired PCR shall not be used to develop and register new EPDs, and shall not be used to update a published EPD to give the EPD a prolonged period of validity. To be possible to use for these purposes, the expired PCR shall first be updated and thereby have its period of validity prolonged.

Updated PCRs shall either have an updated version number or be assigned a new registration number.

In case of any questions, please contact the Secretariat.