Twin pipe system: Pre-insulated steel pipes for district energy
Product information
Pre-insulated two-pipe systems are excellently suited for the use of district heating and cooling and ensure maximum ecological benefit in transporting district heating and cooling. Pipes are manufactured according to EN15698-1 and the Energy industry's recommendation L1/2020 in the size classes DN20+20 – 250+250 and in different insulation classes. The delivery lengths of the pipes are 12 m, 16 m and, depending on the project, also 18 m.
Twin pipes consists of two steel pipes – one flow pipe and one return pipe – insulated with polyurethane foam in the same impact resistant and break-proof HDPE casing pipe. In this EPD, there is also considered copper alarm wires. Products covered by this EPD are presented in Annex 1.
Detailed information
EPD Owner
EPD documents
EPD document EPD-IES-0016465:001 en.pdfIncluded products in this EPD
Products covered by this EPD are presented in Annex 1.