LIP Wall Plasters
Product information
These products are manufactured by LIP Bygningsartikler A/S in the production plants located in Nørre Aaby, Denmark. These products are used for fixing and laying wall and floor tiles, marble, facing bricks, glass wool batts, Rockwool batts, polystyrene veneers, etc.
The manufacturing process starts from raw materials purchased from suppliers and stored in the plant. Bulk raw materials are stored in specific silos and added mostly automatically in the production mixer, according to the formula of the product. Other raw materials, supplied in bags or big bags, are stored in the warehouse and added automatically or manually in the mixer. The production is a discontinuous process, in which all the components are mechanically mixed in batches.
The semi-finished product is then packaged in bags, put on wooden pallets, covered by stretched hoods and stored in the Finished Products’ warehouse. The quality of final products is controlled before the sale.
The product is supplied from production in dry form, premixed in respect of all contents but water. Water is added at the building site in the construction/ installation stage, in a defined amount and technique, in order to produce a deformable cementitious adhesive of high performance.
Detailed information
Registration number:
EPD-IES-0004248:005 (S-P-04248)
En15804 Compliant:
Registration date:
November 2, 2021
Version date:
February 3, 2023
Valid until:
October 28, 2026
Geographical scopes:
LCA practitioner:
EPD Owner
Company Name:
LIP Bygningsartikler A/S
EPD documents
EPD document S-P-04248 en(1).pdfOther documents
Other S-P-04248 en.pdfIncluded products in this EPD
1. LIP 320 Wall Plaster
2. LIP 330 Wall Plaster
3. LIP 350 Wall Plaster
4. LIP 350 Wall Plaster White
5. LIP 360 Wall Plaster Light
6. LIP Wall Adhesive
7. LIP Wall adhesive, coarse
8. LIP Wall adhesive-5
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