Jun, 2023
New version of Construction Products PCR (2019:14)
Version 1.3.0 of PCR 2019:14 has been released.
The Construction Product PCR EPD International’s most used PCR, both by amount and number of countries. An upgraded version has been highly anticipated.
Some news with the new version are:
- More relaxed rules for EPDs of multiple products.
- Clarified and changed rules on the modelling infrastructure and capital goods.
- New guidance on the allocation of scrap
- New requirements for construction products that are also EEE products.
- New Annex 3 to clarify and illustrate the modelling of the primary energy use indicators.
More changes are listed in the version history of the PCR.
An updated template for the verification report will follow soon.
Version 1.2.5 will remain valid until the end of the year, while version 1.11 is valid until 1st August, as previously communicated.
The new PCR can be found in the EPD Portal if you log in.