Upcoming EPD Portal upgrades for digitised EPDs in ILCD+EPD for construction products!

Today, the EPD Secretariat informs about exciting news regarding some tightly interlinked digitisation projects we revved-up in Q1/22.

In case you missed it, YOUR EPD data published via the EPD Portal are in growing demand.

But EPD data provision and access requirements are shifting from EPD data access in .pdf to digitised formats. A global trend that is picking up fast in e.g. the construction sector, but will be irreversible to most industries.

At EPD International AB we work hard to make this change to an automated, digitised EPD data highway - from manufacturer to data end-user - for all involved parties as smooth as possible!

So that you as a manufacturer can make optimal use of LCA/EPD tools in your future EPD development and your third-party verified EPD data becomes easily available in the various reporting formats your EPD data end-users are familiar with.

During the upcoming weekend of June 5-6, 2022, several previously optional machine-readable information will become mandatory for any new EPDs added within the construction sector. We will add more detailed instructions and examples in the portal which should make filling in the machine-readable information an easy task. If you should run into any trouble, do not hesitate to contact our support.

Digitising +2500 valid non-digitised EPDs, for free!

  • All Construction EPDs will be digitised during 2022. EPD Intl. does this free of charge
  • For EPDs that cover multiple datasets we will make the first (one) reported dataset digitally available. Clients are welcome to contact the EPD Secretariat (support@environdec.com) in case a solution for the remaining, non-digitised datasets is needed.

New upcoming features and upgrades available to the EPD Portal for simplified and efficient handling of EPDs in digitised formats:

  • EPDs will be automatically available as XML-files following ILCD+EPD format
  • For customers with several EPDs we will offer a new solution called Collections, bundling EPDs using any common denominator such as production facility, country or similar.
  • Simplified verification of LCA/EPD data in both digitised and .pdf versions
  • Introduction of EPD templates for manufacturers to efficiently handle the publication of larger quantities of EPD data.

Stay tuned!
Best regards,
EPD International